Watch and learn How To Make Your Nose Smaller – Nose Reshaping And Lifting
Here is an easy and working exercise which will make your nose smaller to make it look cute.
This massage is to get rid of nose fat, swollen nose, nose tip pointing down and make the tip of the nose lift. It also reduces the width of the nostrils and large nostrils to narrow as well.
Let’s get started to make your nose smaller :)).
Recommended that you wash your hands first.
Step 1
Press the thumb beside the bridge of the nose and drag it up to the eyebrows. Do 10 times.
Step 2
Apply the cream to the fingertips.
Use your index finger to massage down the side of the nose bridge until the nose tip, do 5 rounds.
Step 3
Use your index finger to massage the tip of your nose up and press the nose wing together, do 3 rounds
Step 4
Use your index finger to massage the nose up and down to the nose tip and press the nose wing together, do 3 rounds
Step 5
Use your index finger to drag from the nose tip up to your forehead 10 times.
Step 6
Use the index finger to drag the bridge of the nose down until the nose wing press together. Do 10 times.
Make sure to do it twice a day.
Do this exercise 2-3 times a day and you will forget thinking about how to make your nose smaller
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