Description of How to Slimmer Nose bridge, Get thinner and sharper nose bridge, Slim down Nose tip without surgery
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How to slimmer nose bridge, get thinner and sharper nose bridge, slim down nose tip without surgery.
Having a wide nasal bridge and the big nose tip will make your nose look bigger.
Causing the bridge of the nose to be unclear and making the face look bigger.
Today we have a nose massage to narrow the bridge of the nose and the tip of the nose.
Let’s get started. Start by washing your hands first.
Step 1
Use both index fingers to massage in a circular motion from the wings of the nose up to the bridge of the nose.
Do 30 seconds to loosen the nasal muscles.
Step 2
Use your index finger and thumb to pinch the tip of your nose.
Do 30 seconds to soften the muscles in this area before doing the next step.
Step 3
Use both index fingers on both sides of the bridge of the nose and push in. Move it up and down gently for 30 seconds.
Step 4
Place your index and middle fingers on both sides of the nose bridge and push them in for 30 seconds
Step 5
Place your index fingers on both sides of the bridge of the nose and push your hands together and hold for 30 seconds.
Finished, always do it once a day and check the results for 2 months.
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